/manager/Index en-au 5 Characterizing [C II] line emission in massive star-forming clumps /manager/Repository/uon:38595 L[C II]/LFIR, varies by a factor of at least 140 among these four clumps. In particular, for AGAL313.576+0.324, no [C II] line emission is detected despite a FIR luminosity of 24,000 L. AGAL313.576+0.324 lies a factor of more than 100 below the empirical correlation curve between L[C II]/LFIR and Sv (63 μm) Sv (158 μm) found for galaxies. AGAL313.576+0.324 may be in an early evolutionary “protostellar” phase with insufficient ultraviolet flux to ionize carbon, or in a deeply embedded “‘hypercompact” H II region phase where dust attenuation of UV flux limits the region of ionized carbon to undetectably small volumes. Alternatively, its apparent lack of [C II] emission may arise from deep absorption of the [C II] line against the 158 μm continuum, or self-absorption of brighter line emission by foreground material, which might cancel or diminish any emission within the FIFI-LS instrument’s broad spectral resolution element (AV ~ 250 km s−1).]]> Tue 16 Nov 2021 15:25:30 AEDT ]]> The Radio Ammonia Mid-plane Survey (RAMPS) pilot survey /manager/Repository/uon:34949 1,6–52,3 maser line at 22.235 GHz, and several other molecular lines. We present a representative portion of the data from the pilot survey, including NH₃(1,1) and NH₃(2,2) integrated intensity maps, H₂O maser positions, maps of NH₃ velocity, NH₃ line width, total NH₃ column density, and NH₃ rotational temperature. These data and the data cubes from which they were produced are publicly available on the RAMPS website (]]> Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:17:26 AEST ]]> The Radio Ammonia Mid-Plane Survey (RAMPS) /manager/Repository/uon:32637 Thu 29 Aug 2024 15:37:27 AEST ]]>